I know, I know, I know! There are a GAZILLION potato soup recipes out there. After making this for a few years now, I have come up with my own spin on it adding a little here and a little there and yet, keeping it quite simple. AND, the best part is...its done in the crock pot earlier in the day and by the time you are ready to eat dinner, there is only a couple extra SIMPLE steps you need to do in order to complete your meal.
I start with 5 or 6 large russet potatoes. Rinsed, Peeled and cubed and then thrown into the pot. I rinse first because I don't like the idea of peeling that dirt right into my potato. Call me OCD...I am OK with that.
Next I VERY FINELY dice about a half an onion. If you cook by measurements, then it equals out to about 1/2 - 3/4 cup. Because I HATE chopping onion, I throw it all into my handy veggie chopper. Whaddaya know?!?! There are no tears!!! Throw those babies in the pot on top of the 'taters.
Next I add 6 cups of chicken broth, 3 tbsp butter, 1 bay leaf, 1 tbsp parsley (dried), 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper (or salt and pepper to taste preference) and then about 1/2 tbsp of paprika. I LOVE LOVE LOVE paprika and will pretty much put it in or on anything.
I start with 5 or 6 large russet potatoes. Rinsed, Peeled and cubed and then thrown into the pot. I rinse first because I don't like the idea of peeling that dirt right into my potato. Call me OCD...I am OK with that.
Then I set my crock pot to 6 hours and wait...impatiently patient...for my soup. If you are setting this in the morning before you set out for work, you can always set this to a slower cooking time of 8-10 hours. Basically you just want it to cook long enough to make those 'taters mushy soft.
When the cooking time is over and you are ready to eat you want to add just a couple more ingredients: 1/2 cup of sour cream, 1 cup heavy cream, and 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese and VWALLAAH, you have the most delicious Baked Potato Soup you have ever had.
This soup also REQUIRES toppings. I like to add bacon bits (the real kind...not the fake, yucky stuff) and MORE cheese...because everything is better with cheese, cheese, glorious cheese! Some people also like to add some green onion. Not my preference, but completely up to you. Then, all that's left to do is...GET...IN...MY...BELLY!!!
God Bless!
A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God. Ecclesiastes 2:24
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